According to the Community Development Program Coordinator ( Community Development ) Prasetya Mulya Business School ( PBMs ) M Setiawan Kusmulyono , trauma is the fear of citizens if the student simply provide programs and solutions that are instant . So , said Keli - so - familiar call when they finish the program , residents will again abandoned .
( Read: suara burung )
"Often , the corruption runs so left . So many times when we ask for the willingness of citizens to Community Development program (call CCN at SBM) was rejected . They ( the students in the service learning program ) instead of just giving a fish hook, " said Keli , in the Media SBM Gathering 2014 in Penang Bistro , Kebun Sirih , Central Jakarta , Tuesday ( 04/22/2014 ) .
To that end , he guarantees if ComDev SBM will not like it . In order to KKN program merrevitalisasi , ComDev will not last for a month , but eight months .
" The first two months of our survey and map the first people who will be invited to become a partner ComDev . Later , during one month , the students will be staying in the village with residents . Thereafter, for five months , the student must continue to monitor the sustainability of the business which has been built with partner in the form of reports , " he explained .
Keli admitted , not easy determining ComDev partners . Moreover , he continued , the electoral system is not based rental houses but the people 's commitment to evolve and become a foster parent .
" It's hard looking for a partner . 's In 150 homes , tap one by one , only 58 partners . Our system is not a rental house . Was not looking for a partner who only see money but want to develop. They also must be able to be a foster parent . Due to permit one group which consists of women and men living together is a sensitive issue , "said Keli .
Not only that , he stated , there are several other factors that make SBM trouble finding partners . Educational background of residents and culture inherent in them is the reason the difficulty of finding a partner .
" Background partners because most primary school graduates . So , not wealth or education benchmarks that we made but motivation . Later , a culture that wants instant life straight big profit . Subsequently , indiscipline . Clear No bookkeeping so they spend the profits obtained without the rest . Finally, the social environment . Most villagers actually feel jealous when seeing other people succeed . 's so hinder the development of the residents, " he concluded .
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