Aware of the complicated situation , Indonesian Television Journalists Association ( IJTI ) Indonesian Television Journalism Month held in May 2014 with the theme " TV journalist in a New Era of Indonesia " .
" Every month of May IJTI organized Television Journalism Indonesia with two main objectives . Improving competence and educate members of the public in dialogue , the community can take advantage of a whole series of events as a feedback to the entire world of journalism tv and television stations , " said Chairman IJTI , Hendriana Yadi , Thursday ( 17/04/2014 ) .
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During May , said Yadi , there will be a variety of activities in order to formulate new perceptions television journalism not to lose his soul . " That is , conveys the facts as they are and put a positive journalistic idealism as the main grip . It is well to address concerns that people accused television only tool industrialization , " he said .
The series of activities Indonesian television journalism month that includes seminars with the most potential candidate and vice presidential candidate to get an idea of how they will menakhodai this country . Continued IJTI Award 2014 , book launches, exhibitions , increased competence, professional attitude , and the strengthening of idealism members throughout Indonesia .
In addition , to strengthen the national approach , IJTI Television Journalists Association in collaboration with the Asia -Pacific ( AJTAP ) organized an international conference in Manado television journalist .
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