Sunday, April 27, 2014

South Korean President Apologizes Requested Ferry Incident

South Korean government opposition , New Political Alliance for Democracy ( NPAD ) , asked President Park Geun - hye 'm sorry about the sinking last March 16 .

They also highlight the resignation of Prime Minister Chung Hong -won with no call responsibility and cowardly . NPAD stressed , all members of the cabinet , including the Chung , must do his best for the calamity that killed hundreds of people.
( Read: lovebird lutino )

'' The most important thing now is the president responsible attitude , '' said Vice Chairman Ahn Cheol - soo NPAD as quoted by the Korea Herald on Sunday ( 27/4 ) .

It is natural , Ahn said , if the president as the number one nation apologizes for failures that do while still doing a thorough investigation and to prosecute those responsible for the sinking of the ferry Sewol . That's because the government considered to have failed to perform its obligations to protect the lives of its citizens .

Despite having resigned , NPAD asked Chung to remain responsible for incident handling Sewol ferry . '' What happens if the prime minister resign in times of crisis like this ? The thing to do is attempt to fully resolve the disaster , '' said Ahn .

NPAD also asked for an explanation openly parliament this year over the sinking of a ferry Sewol .


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