Sunday, April 13, 2014

2 High School Students Shocked There Uniformed Police in School Fence

The involvement of police officers in the supervision of national examinations have not yet been disseminated to the students . Therefore , when looking at the fence police school , two high school students in West Jakarta surprised .

" Time wrote nyampe school then surprised there are many police in front pager school . Bit depressed anyway , so how so, " said Hilda , a class XII student , after attending a national examination Indonesian , Monday ( 14/04/2014 ) .

The same thing is also said to Andi , students of class XII IPS . " There Kagetlah crowded police would fit on the school entrance to get together at the front , " he said .

Deputy Curriculum SMAN 2 Muzadi said , the security personnel from the police as much as 6 Taman Sari and 2 people from Bapinsar .

According to the monitoring , current road conditions are monitored conducive national exam . In the school yard about 10 private cars are parked , whereas only a few motorcycles that look .

" Indeed, we appealed to all the students who participated UN not to take it personally when the test vehicle is 3 days . If the vehicle in the field committee , " said Muzadi to .
( see also: obat burung kacer )

Implementation of the national exam lasts for three days , from 14 to 16 April 2014 . Meanwhile subjects tested include Indonesian , English , Mathematics , Physics , Chemistry and Biology for the field of Natural Sciences ( IPA ) . While the subjects for the Social Sciences ( IPS ) is Indonesian , English , Mathematics , Economics , Sociology and Geography .


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