Thursday, April 17, 2014

Indonesian TV journalist in a New Era

JAKARTA - Indonesia is believed to start off from the Reformation era and will enter the era of the New Indonesia 2014 election results . Indonesian In New era , all components of the nation , including television journalist faced with challenges and a new dimension in the various fields of life . The television journalist will face a new reality in the political , bureaucratic , economic , and legal .

Aware of the complicated situation , Indonesian Television Journalists Association ( IJTI ) Indonesian Television Journalism Month held in May 2014 with the theme " TV journalist in a New Era of Indonesia " .

" Every month of May IJTI organized Television Journalism Indonesia with two main objectives . Improving competence and educate members of the public in dialogue , the community can take advantage of a whole series of events as a feedback to the entire world of journalism tv and television stations , " said Chairman IJTI , Hendriana Yadi , Thursday ( 17/04/2014 ) .
see alsovitamin burung berkicau )

During May , said Yadi , there will be a variety of activities in order to formulate new perceptions television journalism not to lose his soul . " That is , conveys the facts as they are and put a positive journalistic idealism as the main grip . It is well to address concerns that people accused television only tool industrialization , " he said .

The series of activities Indonesian television journalism month that includes seminars with the most potential candidate and vice presidential candidate to get an idea of ​​how they will menakhodai this country . Continued IJTI Award 2014 , book launches, exhibitions , increased competence, professional attitude , and the strengthening of idealism members throughout Indonesia .

In addition , to strengthen the national approach , IJTI Television Journalists Association in collaboration with the Asia -Pacific ( AJTAP ) organized an international conference in Manado television journalist .


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